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Field of trees

Over three days with help from Imran with his excavator, Kerry, Chris, Sue,Ian, Nick, Carole and Jonathan we planted 130 trees with the...

The last piece in the jigsaw

Finally the finishing line is in sight. I visited Woolley Firs this week to meet Tom Hayward from Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust...

Trees finally in the ground

Last weekend, thanks to Nick and the team at Releaf Marlow, we finally got Our first trees in the ground. The Black Poplars that I gave...

We Cinched it!

Morning everyone. We had a BIG day yesterday with a mention on the Chris Evans radio show on Virgin. Our first group of Black Poplar...

Full Circle

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone and I hope you had a small celebration. Some of Our first Black Poplar trees are coming home as...

A blue sky day....

It was a beautiful day on Sunday as I headed out to Le Grand Montets for my fourth day of skiing. The trees looked amazing against a...

Snow stopped the train

It snowed a lot last night and it's still coming down in buckets now! I decided to get the train from Les Tines into Chamonix-Mont-Blanc...

Life after death

It's easy to see the felling of huge trees as murder but there is a bigger picture. Woodland maintenance is vital to ensure that trees...

Arrived in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

It's been an amazing year and with the help of five local schools and some able assistance from the team at Softcat we've potted more...

My Lucky number is three

May the 3rd and week two and I'm at Burford Primary School to give the children their Birch trees. Thanks firstly to Jane F-M or...

A Mad dash.....

Day 3 of our 2022 potting and I'm up at Highcrest Academy on my own but with help from Alice and her little helper shovelling topsoil....

It's Poplar time at GMS

Day 2 of the Greeeeat potting and we're back at Great Marlow School with Sean Wilson and all the Year 7's. Before we started there was a...

Many hands make light work

The Grrrrreat potting 2022 began Borlase Grammar School on the 25th April as we found a pot for 350 Oak saplings. That was the whole Year...

wood day bad day

A great day but a sad day too. My last payment was received from Burford School for the three Silver Birch that will form part of the...

Frankie & Francois

Thanks to Frankie Tuddenham, Director of Learning KS3 at Great Marlow School for picking up the baton to help support Our project. She...

Great Marlow go for BEECH

This week we went to Great Marlow School for the second year running to tell the students about Our woodland project. It was amazing to...

Christmas is coming....

It's Christmas Eve 2020 and Thomas and I delivered trees in our wheelbarrow to friends and neighbours in our village instead of Christmas...

Blog: Blog2
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